Your One Stop Solution For Temperature Controlled Construction

We offer professional services that include cold room construction, panels, condensing units, refrigeration and monoblock systems.

Why Choose Jialiang

Earning Your Trust Since 1999 Dedicated to Bringing Projects Any Size, Anywhere Come to Life


Since 1999, Xiamen Jialiang Manufacturer has been a leader in temperature controlled construction. Our main products include cold room construction, panels, condensing units, refrigeration and monoblock systems, etc.

We design our refrigeration systems to be precisely engineered and expertly installed to match your refrigeration needs.

We provide one stop service that prides ourselves on our ability to take on any project, any size, anywhere.

We’ve staffed our factory with experienced project managers and engineer who can handle all aspects of the project including but not limited to planning resources, managing timelines and budgets, daily production reports and much more.Will work with you every step of the way—from initial designs and engineering to completed construction.

  • 1999 Manufacturer since 1999
  • 2003 Installed 16988 Cold Chain Case in CHINA
  • 2004 First Order and Supported Oversea Installed
  • 2008 Exported to 56 Countries and Served 1988 clients
  • 2023 Exported to 112 Countries, 100% After-Sales Satisfaction.
    JiaLiang Blog

    we have experienced projects all over the world and provide trustworthy solution services to meet customers' need.

    • 19
    • Tuna Cold Storage: Ensuring Freshness and High Quality of Tuna
    • Tuna cold storage is a facility specifically designed for storing, processing, and supplying tuna. It provides precise temperature control and advanced preservation techniques to ensure that tuna remains fresh and of high quality throughout the entire supply chain.
    • -Read More
    • 12
    • How to Install a Condensing Unit?
    • Condensing units are available in various models suitable for different sizes and evaporating temperature ranges, ranging from small applications like freezers, display cabinets, and water coolers to large-scale applications such as commercial refrigerators, hospitals, restaurants, and industrial manufacturing plants.
    • -Read More
    • 06
    • Solar Powered Cold Rooms Walk In Freezer
    • solar cold room is an innovative solution that utilizes solar energy to generate electricity. By installing solar panels, solar energy is collected and converted into renewable electricity. This electricity is used to power the cold room system, providing the required low-temperature environment for refrigeration and freezing storage
    • -Read More
    Contact JiaLiang Support Team


    Servicing Your Needs Every Step of The Way Within Your Budget.

    We deliver better, faster, and more cost-efficient solutions, while maintaining a commitment to upholding the highest level of customer service.

  • Issie Gump

    Business Manager
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